5 Things to Keep in Mind When Buying 220v Refrigerator

Are you excited about going on a hunt for a brand new 220v refrigerator? Just before you head to an appliance store or buy online, take the time to think about these five things.

Compressor type

A compressor is the one that maintains the level of temperature inside the fridge. If you are looking for a refrigerator that helps you save money on monthly bills, opt for an inverter type.


Fridges are bulky appliances that take up a lot of space. It is therefore important to measure how much space your kitchen has. Be sure there's enough room behind the unit so that it can “breathe” and vent out heat.


There's an overwhelming list of advanced features that you can consider when buying a modern 220v refrigerator. To make your life easy, focus on the most significant aspects that can work the best. Ensure to have a good look at your old refrigerator and take note of the things you like about it and the functionalities you wish it has.

220v power outlets

Even though the standard voltage in the U.S. is 110v, many residential homes have 220v wall outlets specifically intended for high-power 220-volt kitchen appliances. Still, it pays to double-check the plugs in your kitchen for safety purposes. You don't want to plug your 220-240v fridge into a 110v outlet; it won't function at all because its large motor needs a surge of power from the start. And even if it does work at first, it will burn the outlet in no time.

To know if your kitchen is ready for a 220v fridge, find the 220v outlets. They often appear larger than the rest of the outlets in your home with three to four-prong holes. If your home doesn't have these wall outlets, consider having one installed or using a heavy-duty voltage converter.


Most fridges today are more energy-efficient as compared to older models manufactured decades ago. How much energy you can save will vary from model to model. That’ why it's important to look for the energy ratings of every unit you are eyeing to buy.

Source URL: https://www.blog.samstores.com/5-things-to-keep-in-mind-when-buying-220v-refrigerator/


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