220 Volt Kitchen Aid Mixer – An Essential Part of Every Kitchen

Contrary to popular belief, a 220 volt kitchen aid mixer is not meant solely for baking. It is an essential part of any type of kitchen, be it for a small home or even a commercial operation. You can create so many delicious dishes and prepare healthy and scrumptious meals with a 220-volt kitchen aid mixer. Here are some examples:

•    Meatballs – Instead of having to use your own hands to combine and mash up different kinds of meat, your 220 bolt kitchen aid mixer will work for you. This can also ensure that the flavor of your meatball will be even.

•    Pizza dough – Save your hands the trouble of kneading because your 220 volt kitchen aid mixer will do the job—and an excellent one at that.

•    Guacamole – Guacamole is fairly easy to make by hand but if you are prepping for a large party, you might want to get your 220 volt kitchen aid mixer.

•    Mashed potatoes – Whether you want your potatoes lumpy or super smooth, a kitchen aid mixer can do it. You simply need to adjust the settings and you are good to go.

What’s more, 220 volt kitchen aid mixers usually have different types of speeds that can suit many purposes. For example, slow mixing is for mashing potatoes or bananas while beating and mixing is perfect for egg whites. You just need to familiarize yourself with the guide of the 220 volt kitchen mixer as well as the attachments to enjoy its versatility.

Once you get the hang of it, you’ll see why people love to cook with their 220 volt kitchen aid mixer. It definitely speeds up the prepping process and can even allow you to work with an extra hand. You can also save yourself from painful hand cramps when you have a 220 volt kitchen aid mixer.

Source URL: http://www.blog.samstores.com/220-volt-kitchen-aid-mixer-an-essential-part-of-every-kitchen/


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