5 Signs That You Need A 220 Volt Heater

The thought of buying a new furnace does not usually occur until your existing one breaks down and it costs more to have it repaired than to buy a 220 volt heater. Replacing an old and broken-down furnace with a 220 volt heater can provide more savings in the long run when you consider the minimal repairs and the better energy efficiency that new models have. If you are still having second thoughts about needing a 220 volt heater, here are five signs that you need it soon:

1.    You want to move abroad – You can buy a 220 volt heater while you are still in the US to find a lot of options online and to possibly save money. Certain models and brands of 220 volt heaters may not be available overseas. Hence, you can take a trusty heater with you once you are ready to move to a country that uses 220 volts.

2.    Your current furnace is more than 15 years old – A gas furnace's average lifespan is up to 18 years, but ENERGY STAR experts recommend replacing heaters that are over 15 years old. Make sure that it is an ENERGY STAR-rated heater, so it is at least 15 percent more energy efficient than other new heaters.

3.    Repairs have become frequent – Old heaters tend to constantly break down, especially when they are reaching the end of their lifespan. Reputable heating companies recommend replacing your heater and upgrading it to save money.

4.    Your heating bills are too high – An old furnace tends to be less energy efficient as parts wear out over time, resulting in higher heating bills. This is because the heater tends to run much longer and require a higher amount of energy to achieve the heat level that you want.

5.    The current heater is inefficient – It is time to get a 220 volt heater when your old heater is unable to distribute heat evenly throughout a room, and you find yourself constantly adjusting the temperature to keep yourself comfortable.


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