
Showing posts from June, 2016

220 Volt Coffee Maker – A Decade of Quality

Did you know that 400 million cups of coffee are consumed by Americans daily? Most coffee drinkers consume about three and a half cups, and according to reports, the average American spends over $1,000 on coffee annually. If you tally up how much money you spend on buying coffee from shops and cafes, you might be shocked by the number. Why don’t you just brew your own coffee? Aside from saving you money, here are some other reasons why a 220-volt coffee maker is an excellent addition to your home or office: •    Enjoy waking up – Just imagine the long line you have to face each morning just so you can get a cup of hot joe. You can skip that long line and continue to snooze at home when you have your very own 220-volt coffee maker. Some models even operate automatically, so your alarm clock is the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Now that’s a great morning. •    Save time – You end up wasting time whenever you leave the office and go on a coffee break. With ...

220 Volt Adapter – An Important Device of Every Machine

An adapter is a device that allows an electronic or hardware interface to adapt to another kind of electronic or hardware interface. For example, if you have a two-hole power outlet, but your laptop has a three-pronged charger, you will need a simple adapter with a three-prong input and two-prong output to be able to plug into the outlet. But if you intend to use a 220-volt appliance in a 110-volt outlet or vice versa, then you need more than just a simple adapter. You need a 220-volt adapter or power converter. One of the most common mistakes people make is plugging 110v machines into 220v outlets and vice versa. Just because the holes on the outlet matches the prongs on the plug doesn’t mean they will work together, so beware! Different countries use different electrical voltages. The US as well as Colombia, Taiwan, North Korea, and Cuba use 110v, but more countries across the globe use 220v. Plugging a 110-volt appliance into a 220-volt outlet can cause a huge problem; it may damag...